Movie Review of In The Heights
You can watch this movie for free on, it’s simply an awesome experience, to float weightlessly during the nearly 145-minute time period of “In The Heights.” And don’t let that number scare you off—the whole passes breezily sort of a ny minute, dancing its way through one typically humid and sweaty summer of the urban island’s Washington Heights, pitched on the brink of a soul-killing blackout. Sitting on a picturesque tropical beach and telling his tale to a corporation of adorable kids early within the film (a smart, recurring narrative anchor that resolves to a satisfying conclusion), “The streets were made from music,” says the movie’s heart and soul Usnavi de la Vega. Here, he's played by your new favorite actor Anthony Ramos, who revives Miranda’s Broadway role in an irresistibly likable, instantly star-making performance after holding variety of memorable parts within the likes of “Monsters and Men,” “White Girl,” and “A Star is Born.”
That same introduction familiarizes us with the concept of a sueñito, a touch dream, that everybody with a serious part in “In The Heights” dearly holds. For the bodega owner Usnavi, the dream isn't only to return to the happy Dominican Republic of his childhood, but also, to finally ask the intimidating Vanessa out on a date. Played with such seductive verve by Melissa Barrera, the aspiring dressmaker Vanessa on the opposite hand dreams of leaving her dead-end salon job working alongside the head-strong, mischievously gossipy ladies Daniela (Daphne Rubin-Vega), Carla (Stephanie Beatriz) and Cuca (Dascha Polanco), and moving downtown to pursue her passion career. There's also the smart university student Nina Rosario (an immensely powerful Leslie Grace), who yearns to reinstate her identity as a Latina on the heels of her dispiriting year at the white-dominant Stanford. Her plans to drop out of school disappoint Kevin (Jimmy Smits), her sacrificing father with high expectations of her, and surprise Benny (Corey Hawkins, impossibly charming), a strong-willed, energetic dispatcher performing at Kevin’s limo company. (You guessed it: he and Nina are crazy .) Also within the mix, with a markedly more significant part than within the musical, is Usnavi’s cousin Sonny (Gregory Diaz IV, effortlessly loveable), the type of undocumented Dreamer unwelcome within the Trumpian trenches of the country. (Fans of the first musical are going to be quick to spot the instance during which Trump’s name gets swapped with Tiger Woods. “When I wrote it, he was an avatar for the Monopoly man. Then when time moves on and he becomes the stain on American democracy, you modify the lyric,” Miranda recently said to Variety.)
These characters collectively paint an enormous , beautiful canvas that the Heights matriarch Abuela Claudia (Olga Merediz, absolutely heartrending during a revival of her famed stage role) seems to possess taken under her wings since forever. Foreshadowing one among the movie’s most affecting and inspired sequences involving wistful vintage subway cars and her past as a hardworking immigrant, "Paciencia y Fe" (patience and faith) Abuela optimistically says as she waves her newly bought lottery ticket within the air. We soon learn that investing within the lottery may be a widely shared routine in her streets—once Usnavi is informed of a winning ticket sold at his deli, the musical’s earth-shattering centerpiece “96,000” arrives. We attempt to continue as many extras covet the large bad $96K prize, a hardly life-saving sum, but enough to form a fresh, life-changing start. Shot within the Highbridge Pool, this miraculous number (dexterously choreographed by Christopher Scott just like the rest) of synchronized swimming and harmonic dancing within the tradition of Busby Berkeley brings the whole cast along side gusto, confidently reminding the audience the type of movie that they're watching—a big movie that absolutely refuses to scale down its emotional scope and visual splendor.
Din cauza acelei respingeri sigure de sine, pentru a reduce dimensiunile la suprafață și în interior, totul funcționează, atât ca o odă intimă pentru o comunitate strânsă, făcută din indivizi blocați într-un mijloc (o stare de ființă viscerală care vor fi profund familiari colegilor imigranți) și o declarație politică dură, care are ceva de menționat despre toate nedreptățile sistemice rampante înrădăcinate în timpul unei societăți albi-normative înnebunitoare, de la gentrificare la rasism casual. La unison, direcția lui Chu, muzica și versurile lui Miranda și scenariul lui Hudes amplifică un gând exprimat de Abuela - despre afirmarea demnității cuiva în moduri mici - și memorizează acea noțiune de auto-valoare, văzând toate literele mici care se adaugă la acestea. Din fericire, este evident că această ambiție este împărtășită de întreaga distribuție (toți cântăreții excepționali,
Survey the proud faces that shout “HEY!” during “Carnaval del Barrio,” another one among the film’s buoyantly inviting songs; hum along, perhaps quietly weep, when silky fabrics spill over of buildings like tears as Vanessa aches for a far better future; inspect the lively, alluring moves of the hair parlor ladies as they vibrate to “No Me Diga” and even notice of Nina’s hair that quickly transforms from straight to beautifully unruly and curly, and you'll be that much closer to grasping the type of character “In The Heights” is bent seize inside a world many prefer to deem invisible. A celebration of the thought of home, both self-made and born and carried in one’s soul, “We are here,” this movie affirms with cinematic majesty. What a powerful sight to behold.